About the Faculty

The Faculty of Computer Science at AGH University of Krakow is an educational and scientific institution that has been educating specialists in the field of computer science and the latest technologies for more than 40 years, including AI, big data, quantum technologies, machine learning, distributed systems, and data science. The research activities and projects that are conducted in the department are widely recognized – both nationally and internationally.


The history of the development of Computer Science at AGH University in Krakow dates back to the 1950s. Its beginnings can be traced to the establishment of the Faculty of Electromechanics in 1952, which went through various name changes over the years: Faculty of Electromechanics (1952–57), Faculty of Mining and Metallurgical Electrical Engineering (1957–75), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, and Electronics (1975–1998), and Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science, and Electronics (1998–2011). On May 28, 2012, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science, and Electronics was transformed into the Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics, and Telecommunications and officially commenced its operations on September 1 of the same year.

The lineage of the institutes that later formed WIET (Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics, and Telecommunications) began in 1957 when the Department of Industrial Automation and Electronics was established within the structure of the then-known Faculty of Mining and Metallurgical Electrical Engineering. It included divisions such as Electronics, Digital and Analog Machines, and Automation and Telemechanics. In the 1970s, the university’s structure transitioned to an institute-based system (which was in line with the national trends at the time).

The birth of the Institute of Computer Science in the 1980s was the result of a merger between a group of computer scientists (during a time when the field of computer science was in its infancy) who were associated with the Institute of Automation and a similar team from the Institute of Physics.

Professor Jacek Mościński became the first director of the Institute of Computer Science in 1980, with Professor A. Gościński serving as his deputy.

From roughly the mid-1970s, AGH University offered both full-time and part-time studies in the fields of Computer Science, Electronics, and Telecommunications. From 1992 through 2020, our institution operated as the Department of Computer Science and was transformed into an institute in 2021 (along with the other units of the department).

On July 6, 2023, the procedure to establish the Faculty of Computer Science was initiated by the decree of prof. dr eng. Jerzy Lis (AGH’s Rector).


One of the most significant motivations for establishing the department was to build recognition and a clear representation of computer science within the structure of AGH University, which was crucial for a modern technical institution in an era of rapidly advancing information technology.

The activities of the new department were inaugurated on October 1, 2023. The department offers programs in Computer Science and Computer Science-Data Science, and it collaborates on programs in Cybersecurity (in a partnership with the Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics, and Telecommunications) and Modern Technologies in Forensics (with the Faculty of Humanities). Computer Science at AGH is among the most prestigious technical study programs in Poland, as evidenced by the high rankings achieved by the institute in prestigious rankings such as the “Perspektywy” University Ranking (first place in 2019, and second place in 2018, 2020, 2021, and 2022).

The Faculty of Computer Science also offers 12 postgraduate study programs (link: https://podyplomowe.informatyka.agh.edu.pl/) as well as training programs and courses. We enjoy a close collaboration with the Center for Security Technologies, which originated from the former Institute of Computer Science and specializes in forensic informatics and modern technologies for internal security services (link: https://www.ctb.agh.edu.pl/pl/). The department also collaborates with the Center for Cybersecurity AGH, which was established in 2022 (link: https://www.cc.agh.edu.pl/). Additionally, the department distinguishes itself through active partnerships with leading companies and institutions in the ICT industry, providing education that is tailored to the needs of the modern workforce.

At the beginning of the 2023/2024 academic year, the Faculty of Computer Science welcomed [number of students] students. Choosing the Faculty of Computer Science guarantees a stable and promising career path. In the career outcome surveys of AGH graduates, the Computer Science program has achieved excellent results – 100% of the graduates have found employment that aligns with their education (either fully or partially).

Aligning with AGH’s vision as “the University of the Future,” the Institute of Computer Science engages in a variety of collaborations that bridge the worlds of education and the exact sciences with businesses, cultural institutions, and the humanities. Recognizing the importance and impact of the social changes that have been brought about by new and groundbreaking technologies, AGH strives to be not only a technical leader but also a platform for the exchange of ideas among representatives of all sectors.








university professors

habilitated doctors

assistant professors






administrative staff

technical staff

support staff





employed at the time of graduation

declared the compatibility of work with education


