Social Media Analysis

Social Media Analysis

Social media holds a significant and continuously growing importance in contemporary society, influencing various aspects of human activity (including education, politics, business operations, and leisure activities). Popular platforms such as Facebook and Twitter fall under this category, as do blogging services; they serve as valuable sources of information about user behavior and entire communities.

In our research, we employ methods such as social network analysis, data exploration, machine learning, and selected artificial-intelligence techniques to analyze information within the realm of social media. Specifically, our focus lies in identifying influential users, relationships among users, emerging groups and their evolution over time, and predicting future user, group, and platform behaviors. These analyses are extended to encompass text analysis, thematic analysis, and sentiment analysis. We are also interested in topics that are related to information propagation and the identification of user behavior patterns.


Keywords: social networks, complex networks, data exploration, machine learning, artificial intelligence, social media


dr hab. inż. Jarosław Koźlak, prof. AGH BPP AGH

dr inż. Anna Zygmunt BPP AGH
